
thanks dom,
for being my buddy on my first day of school
psttf he was lyk WTF when mr mahen tell him to be my buddy
but who cares? he's my gay buddy already, he shares the same necklace with me =)

thanks ryan,
for bringing me paintball,
damn im addicted, wanna have some next time,
he is sooooooo cute and funny

thanks cat,
well according to her,
she says she dont lyk me,
as in hate me?!
but now she says she sayang me. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

thanks fifi,
i love the world cup retro.
she's kinda, have no reactions, lyk a piece of wood
but yeahh a very nice person
sorry i screwed her birthday =C

thanks sue anne, aka susu
(c) only I can call her susu! others dont copy!
she's a lovable person,
love to bully me,
but i win the arm wrestling weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
she's lyk a sister to me, i definitely will miss her

thanks mas,
what should i say?
true best-est friend
if i wanna type out everything that happen between us,
sizzly, it would take days
hope she's happy everytime,

thanks everyone,
for show me some sincerity in the eyeball,
i know, one day i'll be dead and forgotten,
but i hope, when you see weeeeeeeeeeeeee
i hope i reminds you of me,
i love you all



Dominic See said...

hahahaha, that necklace reminds me of you everytime i see it!
Come back and we'll play some paintball aight!?
and of course i'll shoot your ass!!!

Ryan Lee said...

paintball paintball paintball.. is that all you can think of? hahahah you're welcome man, give me a call when you're back and i'll make your day *wink wink*

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